Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Windows 10 Tech Preview and the error of doom!!!!!

SO......  just in case anyone is getting the error( a critical error has occurred in the shell infrastructure host)  upon login to the Windows 10 Technical Preview, here is how to fix it. At least it worked for me. (my start button would not work, task bar was blank, and notifications were blank all of which would respond. The only way i could get in was to open recycle bin and right click on this pc click properties and then click control panel on the right hand side of the System properties window.) Here is what i read on a windows blog on how to fix this.

  1. Disable the two tasks. \Microsoft\Windows\MemoryDiagnostic\ProcessMemoryDiagnosticEvents and \Microsoft\Windows\MemoryDiagnostic\RunFullMemoryDiagnostic.
  2. Shutdown and restart. (shutdown is required.)
  3. Logon and error should be cleared. 
Now at this point all i knew is it had to do with the scheduled task of the Memory Diagnostic service. I opened the administrator tools in the control panel(view set to small icons)  and then opened computer management, then the task scheduler on the left pane of the window. I then had to extend the data fields in the task already running pane of that window. But yes after you disable the window memory diagnostic everything functions as should.  Build 10130
Although i only found one string and not both while searching and i wish i wrote down which it was.  Sorry for that guys. I want to apologize now as this is so bare and full of mistakes but i am at work and i just wanted to get the info out there maybe i will fix it later maybe i wont, but i digress, hope this works for you as it did me.